Sunday, July 15, 2007

Health Conscious Tracking Phone

Health Conscious Tracking Phone
The Health Conscious Tracking Phone combines three of my favorite topics: technology, nutrition and using all the perks of our digital lifestyles to make our life, health and world a better place.

The concept phone will allow users to track their health through nutrition and fitness as well as team up with other phone owners with similar goals (such as losing weight or running a marathon). The network of users will then be able to create a little cell community that serves to motivate and hold one another accountable for their workout sessions. The phone is equipped with eNose technology in order to "smell" and recognize foods eaten by their unique chemical signature. It tracks intake wherever you go, and will periodically analyze info to let you know what food groups you are missing. While I love the fruit-inspired shape it makes me worry - will I ever be allowed a cheat day, or will this phone smell the truth?

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