Saturday, June 9, 2007

5 Reasons Why We Don't Eat Healthy Food

Healthy Food
Despite all the campaigns to promote fruit and vegetable intake - only a third of Americans eat two or more pieces of fruit per day. 25% don't eat any vegetables at all (ref).

Why not?

Recent research from Mintel shows 5 reasons for not eating healthy:

  1. Availability
  2. Cost
  3. Confusion
  4. Time constraints
  5. Taste concerns

From industry site FoodNavigator:

"consumers are not willing to trade convenience for health or other benefits. Products cannot be healthful at the expense of convenience or they will not be successful."

Whole foods require preparation. Processed foods generally require you to open the packet and eat. Which do you reach for when your hungry and in a hurry?

Busyness is the enemy of healthy eating. This is followed closely by lack of knowledge (no surprise given the bewildering contradictions that constitutes dietary advice).

If you choose to eat healthy - you will need to address each of the above 5 reasons.

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