Saturday, June 16, 2007

A racing simulator with 3 LCDs? Sign us up

Of all the over-the-top racing simulators out there, this one is probably our favorite so far. But then again, we're suckers for anything that sports three LCD TVs. These aren't just any flat screens either, but 37-inch Sharp Aquos displays in full 1080p clarity. And that's just the beginning.

VRX's "Triple Screen Limited Edition 001" is a behemoth that includes "four Xbox 360 Elites, four copies of Forza Motorsport 2, an Xbox 360 HD DVD add-on player, camera/wireless headset, a Zune, force feedback wheel," according to Engadget. The system is built with a polished aluminum frame that will complement the industrial decor of your office or living room. That, at least, is what you'll have to tell your spouse or significant other.

The price is available only by contacting the company, but how bad can it be? Nothing, after all, can top the $300,000 price tag for FAO Schwarz's "Morphis ESP." We hope, anyway.

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