Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anti - bacterial mouse

Anti - bacterial mouse
Mice, mice, mice. I never had enough luck to buy a cool mouse that would be safe enough for my kids. My son is 5 and he loves playing computer games. My daughter does not use the computer as much as my son does but still she is in danger. You would ask what danger. The answer is the microbes and the bacteria that lives and multiplies on your keyboard and your mouse. The keyboard and the mouse are one of the best bacteria "collectors and spreaders" in your house because almost every family member touches it and get the bacteria on your hands. That is why I am actually worrying for my children. I heard that there are 400 times more bacteria on your mouse then in the toilet. Why? Because, you wash your toilet every week or so but you almost never wash and disinfect you mouse. For people who do not want to wash their mice every day the Elecom company has created a handy gadget. The Anti-bacterial mouse will help you solve the problem. This mouse is covered with the medicine anti - bacterial rubber that prevents bacteria from growing and spreading all over your mouse. Even if you put your hand on the mouse a lot of bacteria get on it but the anti - bacterial rubber will prevent them from growing. Even if you work at the computer for several hours in the row you can be sure that you mouse is totally sterile and clean thanks to the new technology anti - bacterial rubber. The other thing is that this mouse will be safe for my kids. Their immune system is not as strong as ours and they can get diseases brought by us, adults. However, it does not mean that you do not have to wash your hands anymore because the mouse does not kill the bacteria that are on your hand it just prevents it from getting on to your mouse and get on the other person's hand. The mouse itself looks cool too. It is not very big and it is made in a shiny white style with some colors added. The whole body is white but it has a colored stripe and a logo on it. Its design is very simple and at the some time it looks very good. The stripe and the logo can be colored differently. That one depends on you. Although it has no extra features besides two buttons and a scroll wheel it is still a very handy gadget because it helps you and your family stay healthy. Besides, the "healthy mouse" costs only just like a usual 5button mouse.

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