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- General - Wallpaper - Free Downloads - Forever Friends (bekijken via Google Sidewiki)
This is a jacket made out of teddy bears from artist/designer Sebastian Errazuriz (who also brought us the zipper dress). I like it, it looks really comfortable. Now I know what you're thinking, "I bet that son of a bitch GW still sleeps with a teddy bear!" AND SO WHAT IF I DO? I bet yooooou still sleep with your parents! Kidding, I'd know if you did. HIYO! Your dad's a snorer.
Hit the jump for a couple more sexy shots. I can't help it, I love bears!
Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.
Turn on the Lucite controls, and water flows up from the bottom of the cylinder, overflowing into the chute and into your hands. Brilliant. We especially like the orchids used in this photo, but any fresh-cut flowers will do. Just don't get lazy on us and put fake flowers in there!
Hego Waterdesign, via Trendir
This seven foot long model of the Home One Calamari Cruiser from Return of The Jedi was built by Thomas Benedikt using 30,500 (mostly gray!) Lego pieces, and took about 11 months to complete at a cost of $5500.
Thomas is clearly about as dedicated as Star Wars fans get, check out his MOC page to see more of his amazing models.
MOC Pages, via Craziest Gadgets