Eco Factor: This city vehicle of the future is powered by a bio fuel cell and looks like a car’s front fused with a scooter-like rear. Another three-wheely concept zooms in to hitch a green ride. Originally conceived for the Peugeot Design Contest, designer Jonathan Mahieddine has named this vehicle the Bimotrik. This vehicle is a fusion of a bike and a car as it looks like a trike with a roof attached to it. Intended to run on a bio fuel cell, this is a new kind of green fuel concept which derives energy in the form of hydrogen and electricity as the bacteria feed on impure water. This kind of innovative system keeps the vehicle independent of any other source. Jonathan also feels running on this type of energy will help clean water.

Coming to its form, the Bimotrik is ideal for congested metros where normally people resort to two-wheelers to whiz past the city lanes.

Even the wing-like doors open upwards to allow easy hop in and hop out. Users can steer this vehicle with two handles on the front.

Unlike the other two or three wheeled vehicles, this one has its heart on the front like a car.
The Dark Side: There are a few flaws with respect to practicality as well as eco features. The designer could have incorporated a combination of alternative energy sources like slapping solar panels on the roof and doors. Wonder what eco materials will be used to shape up this vehicle. I think some storage space will be welcome.
Via eofriendFlybar Does its Part to Support the Darwin Effect Yamaha's Crotch Air Bag
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