Friday, February 17, 2012

President Reagan's UFO storie

President Reagan's UFO storieIt was the last day in the White House for President Ronald Reagan. He wandered into the Oval Office for the last time to look around. Taking a piece of paper he wrote a note for his successor, George Bush. He carefully placed the note inside one of the empty draws of the Presidential Desk. "Don’t let the turkeys get you down," Reagan had written.

Glancing around the office the president spotted his National Security Advisor Colin Powell arriving for the final morning national security briefing.

As Powell walked up, Reagan reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the white laminated card he had carried with him for the past eight years containing the nuclear launch codes. "Oh, who do I give these to?" Reagan asked. Powell told him not to worry - a military aide would take the card from him after the new President was sworn in.

The President of the United States is commonly referred to as the most powerful man in the world, ruling over the most powerful economy and military on the planet. In reality, the President of the United States is nothing more than a job, much like any other job in any business, industry, or government in the world.

Whether President or ditch digger, when the job ends, it is time to hand in the keys to the executive washroom, the company ID, or in the Reagan's case the white laminated card that gave him the power to destroy the world.

In effect, President Reagan was much like any other job holder in the world just playing a role, like an actor in a stage play.

The United States is the stage. It will continue to accommodate plays after each of the key actors have retired. The person playing the role of President will be replaced by another actor after a two year competition for the job. Each President has the chance to alter what direction the country will take, but the country will go on evolving long after the President is gone.

Whole stories HERE

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UFO:UFO and NSA National Security Agency
UFO:Alien Appears in Duck X-Ray?
Paranormal:Unidentified flying object or UFO
Joke: Cell Phone
Joke: Technical Support
Joke: Ball replacement!

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